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The G68 command (G-code) is used to perform rotation of the coordinate system by a certain angle.

G68 command - Coordinate System Rotation.

X and Y are the coordinates of the point relative to which the coordinate system will be rotated, and R - determines the value of the angle of rotation.

A positive value for R will rotate the CNC program counter-clockwise.

The G68 command is modal and is valid until canceled by the G69 command.

G68 X... Y... R...

 X X coordinate of the centre of rotation.
 Y Y coordinate of the centre of rotation.
  R Angle of rotation (+R Counter-clockwise).


Example of using G68 in an CNC program (G-code).

O9201 (G68 example)    (Program number (O9201) and Program name (G68 example)
G00 Z0.5                             (Safe Z)
G00 X0 Y0                     
G68 X0 Y0 R45       (Rotate 45 degrees counterclockwise about X0, Y0)
G00 Z0.5                              (Safe Z)
M30                                    (End)


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