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G-code generator for creating CNC programs for milling a hexagon.

Program generates a G-code tool path for milling (cutting) of the hexagon.

G-code generator for milling a hexagon


The center of coordinates is in a point: 1 2  3  4  5
Tool movement:   tool on hexagon   tool outside hexagon     tool inside hexagon 
Cutting direction:  clockwise  counter clockwise
Side a:   
Tool diameter:  
Total depth of cutting:   Depth of cutting per pass:
Feed Rate (X,Y G00):   Feed Rate (X,Y G01):
Feed Rate (Z G00):   Feed Rate (Z G01):
Distance Xc:   Distance Yc:
Safe Z above surface:  


You can copy G-code to the clipboard and save as file (*.txt , *.nc , *.cnc , *.tap , *.iso,  etc).

Off-line version of this program for generating G-code you can find here .

Example (sample) of the G-code for milling a hexagon using CNC Milling Machines.

This simple example illustrates the how to mill a hexagon.

G00 Z0.5 F70    (raise the tool to the clearance height)
G00 X5 Y-15 F70  (Tool movement to the point of beginning of milling)
G01 Z-1 F50 (lower the tool to the desired cutting depth)
G01 X22.3205 Y-25 F50
G01 X22.3205 Y-45
G01 X5 Y-55
G01 X-12.3205 Y-45
G01 X-12.3205 Y-25
G01 X5 Y-15
G00 Z0.5   (raise the tool to the clearance height)
G00 X0 Y0   (the movement the tool to the starting point)
M30 (end of the control program)


Generate a G-Code toolpath for a various  details


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