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Bookmark and Share      Online G-code generator for milling a rectangular and square pockets    

This online G-code generator is used to create G-code (CNC program) for milling rectangular and square pockets using CNC mill and other CNC machines.

To create the CNC program for milling rectangular and square pockets, you must enter the values of the sides of the rectangle , the value of the stepover (width of cut) and some other data (tool diameter, total depth of cutting, depth of cutting per pass, feed rate, safe Z above surface, etc).

Stepover (width of cut) is assigned as a percentage of the cutter diameter.

Online G-code generator for milling a rectangular and square pockets    


Side a:      Side b:
Tool diameter:  
s (% Stepover (A percentage of the tool diameter) :
Total depth of cutting:   Depth of cutting per pass:
Feed Rate (X,Y G00):   Feed Rate (X,Y G01):
Feed Rate (Z G00):   Feed Rate (Z G01):
Xc Coordinate: Yc Coordinate:
Zc Coordinate:
Safe Z above surface:  


 You can copy G-code to the clipboard and save as file (*.txt , *.nc , *.cnc , *.tap , *.iso,  etc).

Off-line version of this program you can find here .

Generate a G-Code toolpath for a various  details

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